Posts tagged Frizzle

Garden Journal – Chapter 22 – Pictures

Spring 2009 Picture Update

If you live in the North, you can be jealous now!  Lots of pictures here so it might be a bit of a long chapter.  🙂

I know spring will come your way soon but Spring is here in the lower 48. Now, I am happy.  I have taken some pictures just to let you see the progress of my little yard and city garden.

Anyone for Veggies? I think I mentioned this before but will again. I planted these lettuce seeds in November of 2008 and covered the small plants with leaves from the fall.  My experiment worked!  Check it out.  I already picked some leaves and had some of the juciy leaf lettuce on a sandwich! Yum. 

Next to the lettuce I planted the radish seeds last month, March. Sometimes you just have to take some chances. It is only a package of seed.  The times to plant aren’t always correct, at least, not for my area.  Plus, my garden is very sheltered.

Just planted the tomato sets today, right next to the kohlrabi seeds that were planted earlier. 

Now that it is warmer, I could remove the cold frame from the kohlrabi.

I have a couple of cats so I have to plant some Cat grass for them too.  I put that in pots because they are house cats and aren’t allowed outside.  I plant the grass in several pots throughout the summer because they eat it up so fast.  🙂

Now for a couple of pictures of the fruit tree blossoms. Oooh, I am just so excited.  I get to have fresh fruit from my small city garden too!


Peach Blossoms

Asian Pear Blossoms

Apple Blossoms

I think I went a little crazy with the pictures today but the yard just has soooo many flowers that I couldn’t help myself.  I just needed to share.

The pictures of these plants aren’t food producing but they are lovely blooms just the same. They are just fun to share.

This is a Double Camellia. It almost looks like a rose!

My Frizzle, cute frilly flowers! Look closely at the purple.  This a great hedge bush.  And the color of the leaves are wonderful year round.  From dark green to deep purple and blossoms most of the summer.

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Garden Journal Chapter Seven – Photos

Just a short chapter to add some pictures.

This is a close up snap of the bushes we have just under the front porch. This picture was taken this summer just after a rain shower.  My husband wanted me to take this snap because the bush looked as if it were laden with diamonds.  The lay term name, I believe, is Frizzle.  It has beautiful leaves that are colored from a dark purple to a dark green and anywhere in between.  It has pretty filly hot pink flowers from spring through the summer.  It will grow up to 6 feet so I do have to cut it back two or three times a year.  This spring it will, again, need a hard cutting.

Frizzle Closeup

Frizzle Closeup


These are some of what I call my “man proof” flowers. Day Lilies and some varigated plants on the ends (they have a nice purple flower in the late late summer) and I cannot remember their name.  These are hardy enough to withstand mowing, weed eating, neighborhood pets and drought.  They are planted around a city Crape Myrtle tree between the street and sidewalk.

Double Day Lillies

Double Day Lillies

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