Fiscal Cliff

Don’t you just love politicians? How many times do we have to listen to the disagreements about the fiscal cliff? How many years and band-aids? And, now, us citizens are going to have to deal with the lame duck session! Whoopee!

The blame game begins. What have either of the parties done for us (citizens) except take our hard earned cash and spend more money? These guys and gals working up on Capital Hill are so protected from everything. They don’t have to follow the rules they hand down for us, they have made themselves exempt.

So, my thought. Let the damn fiscal cliff hit. What the heck, I would sooner have it hit earlier than later because the economy is been going downhill fast and isn’t going to be any better in 2013 anyway. Then maybe somebody up in the Congress will get their butts in gear. (Only wishful thinking here.)

You’ve got the Federal Reserve printing QE Forever which has caused the world monetary system to down grade the U.S. triple A rating.

Prices going up, up, up. When was the last time anyone on the Hill went to a grocery store to do their own shopping?

Unions ruling the roost for all of their benefits. Bankrupting large cities and even some states teetering. Quite frankly I don’t want the government to give them bailouts because they are to big to fail, but they (politicos) will, what is new? How many taxpayer dollars will it take to bail out the “to bigs to fail”  before citizen taxpayers out there realize it is OUR money those crooks on the Hill are spending?

So what the heck, I say go for it you Political a$$holes. You’ve got yourself and your political buddies covered. Just go ahead and screw us little guys with your regulations, affordable health care, meanwhile taking our civil liberties away, and at every turn making us go through security check points and personal encroachment for our OWN protection.

These Politicos haven’t been able to come up with a budget for three and a half years so what makes anyone think they can come up with a solution to the Fiscal Cliff? Plus, we might never see a real budget again.

Sooner or later, maybe, some normal people will get a slap in the face and wake up. My fear is probably never because the News Media is just as corrupt and they have the crooked politicians backs.

I’ve saved my whole life and with a government like ours I’ll probably end up penniless begging for one meal a day! Oh, with no trans-fat, salt, sugar or anything else in the food chain they want to turn into ethanol and deem bad food for me. But beggars can’t be choosers, can we?

So you Capital Hill Politicians, let the damn Fiscal Cliff begin!!

4 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Yes, I’m still looking for the “affordable healthcare”!! LOL!!! I could use it but instead will get taxed (both me and hubby) because we can’t afford it!! LOL!! What a screwed up mess. God help us. We certainly aren’t trying to help ourselves!!

  2. 3

    Well, I feel like you do. It is going to happen anyway so lets get it over with and see what they come up with next to screw the little guy with. They are protected from whatever they decide to do and even our votes do not count. I voted for Romney because I thought he was a smart business man and I still do. Washington does not want him because they know he would cut some of the BS spending they are doing. I hope everyone who voted for BHO is happy now. Because those who did vote for him DID NOT vote for America in my opinion. All I can say is build a bunker, hide what you want to keep, stock it well and let the Obama lovers get what they voted for. I AM NOT DRINKING THE KOOL AID!

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